Foirm Iarratais do Bhaill do Chlubanna Óige Feachtas: Application Form for Members of Feachtas Youth Clubs

LE LÍONADH AG TUISMITHEOIR/CAOMHNÓIR - To be completed by a Parent/Guardian

NÍ BHEIDH CEAD AG AN DUINE ÓG A BHEITH PÁIRTEACH SA CHLUB GAN AN FHOIRM SEO A BHEITH LÍONTA AGUS FAIGHTE AG AN gCLUB - A young person will not be allowed to participate in the club if this form is not fully completed and received by the club.



I. Níl Feachtas freagrach as mo pháiste sula dtosaíonn an club nó tar éis seisún sa chlub.

II. Caithfidh ceannairí a bheith ar eolas faoi aon leigheas a bhíonn á ghlacadh ag mo pháiste. Níl cead ag ceannairí leigheas a dháileadh amach. Ní chóir go mbeadh ag mo pháiste ach an méid leighis atá ag teastáil don tréimhse a mhaireann an imeacht.

III. Leanfaidh an club polasaithe agus rialacha chun sábháilteachta agus deabhéasa a chothú.

IV. Iarrfar orm cead a thabhairt do thuras ar bith.

I. Feachtas is not responsible for my child before the club begins or after it ends.

II. Leaders must be informed if my child is taking medication at the club. Leaders cannot administer medication. My child should only have the amount needed for the duration of the activity.

III. The club will follow policies and rules to promote good behaviour and safety for all. 

IV. I will be asked for permission for my child to go on any trips away.

COSAINT SONRAÍ - Data Protection

Tá meas ag Feachtas ar do chearta maidir le cosaint sonraí agus tá Feachtas in oiriúint le hAchtanna um Chosaint Sonraí 1998 agus 2003. Bainfear úsáid as an eolas ar an bhfoirm seo d'anailís staitistice, d'fhorbairt pleananna agus chun tú féin a uasdátú mar is cuí. Ní roinnfidh muid do chuid sonraí pearsanta le lucht ar bith eile seachas sa chás go gcreideann muid, de mheon macánta, gur ghá dúinn iad a roinnt le teacht leis an dlí. Tá seans ann go mbainfidh muid úsáid as an eolas seo sa todhchaí chun tú a chur ar an eolas faoi chúrsaí Feachtas.

Feachtas respects your privacy and complies with its obligations under the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003. The information provided on this form will be used for statistical analysis, development of programmes, and to update you as relevant. We will not disclose personal data to third parties unless we believe, in good faith, that we are required to disclose it to comply with any applicable law or statutory requirement. We may use this data in the future to update you about Feachtas.